May 2018 Partner Letter


Dear Partner,


…”there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother” (Prov. 18:24)


Joseph Scriven seemed to have everything in life.  He came from a wealthy, educated, devoted and happy family.  But on the night before he was to marry, his fiancee tragically drowned.   He found himself in a place of deep sorrow and loss where nothing could bring him the help he needed except his dearest friend, Jesus.  From this place of great loss to finding great healing and help through Jesus, his life was dramatically changed.


After the tragedy, he moved from Ireland to Port Hope, Canada – devoting his life to bringing others the same help he received from Jesus.  He became known as “the Good Smaritan of Port Hope”.


When his mother became ill, he sent her a letter that included a poem he had written and a prayer that he hoped would remind her of her never-failing friend.  Later someone came to Joseph’s house and saw the words of the poem on a paper near his bed.  Asking where the poem came from, Joseph repied;  “The Lord and I did it between us”.  Below are some of the words to that poem – that became a hymn still being sung today – over 180 years later!  Why?  Because they speak the truth that endures to all generations!


What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear.  What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer.  Oh what peace we often forfeit, Oh what needless pain we bear.  All beause we do not carry everything to God in prayer.


Together, we are bringing Jesus’ healing hands and words to a hurting world. We love you, dear partners, and pray you sense the never-failing, healing and comforting friendship of Jesus in every area of your life.  It is a day of great things from a great God!


To God Be The Glory!

Cindy, Lois and Ray