August Partner Letter 2020

Dear Partner,

In a book that showcases all the great cathedrals of Europe, it is said that when one looks for the names of the builders, they are nowhere to be found.  Some of the cathedrals took over 100 years to build – far longer than a single lifetime!  Thousands of people worked for decades to build these awe-inspiring structures, yet there is no record of who they were.  Day after day, year after year, they continued to do their part even though many did not live to see the finished work. 

The story is told of one wood carver who was carving a tiny bird behind a beam.  When he was asked why he was taking so much time crafting something that no one would ever see, he replied: “Because God sees.”  These un-named, unsung ‘heroes’ built great, magnificent cathedrals that have stood for a thousand years. We do not know their names, but we see the great work of their faithfulness.

I remember reading of a friend of Abraham Lincoln’s who invited the future President to church.  Afterwards, the friend asked how he had liked the sermon.   Mr. Lincoln’s answer was: “He may be a good man, but he’s not a good preacher. A good preacher would have asked us to do something great, and he didn’t.”

Nowhere in the Bible do you find the words, “God is big”, but there are many places that speak of his greatness.  Greatness is not just used to describe size – it defines ability, quality or eminence above the normal or average.  It speaks of importance and of that which is worthy of consideration – qualities which set you apart from the crowd.

Because of the greatness of our God, Jesus spoke these words to define what distinguishes the one who has put their trust in Him – 

“The person who trusts me will not only do what I’m doing but even greater things, because I, on my way to the Father, am giving you the same work to do that I’ve been doing. You can count on it.” (John 14:12 The Message Bible)

“You belong to God, my dear children. You have already won your fight …because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world!” (1 John 4:4)

We are so very thankful for you and all that you have done – the sacrifices you have made – to partner with Shekinah Glory as we continue to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ into all the world. Thank you, dear friend. It is our prayer that our work together will forever stand as a monument to our great  Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. What a great God we serve!

For His Glory,

Cindy, Lois & Ray