June 2018 Partner Letter


Hello all – Ray Taucher from Shekinah Glory here….


“This is my Family Portrait;  it’s me and Jesus

You can hardly tell the two of us apart….

For on a hill outside Jerusalem we shared a family tree

And everything in Him is now in me”… (Shekinah Glory)


Does anybody remember having or using a ‘baby book’ in the 50s and 60s?  WAY back (no comments, please) when I was born, my parents bought and started making regular entries in my ‘baby book’, documenting growth and developmental milestones, i.e. first steps, first haircut, etc.  I have very vivid memories, in later years, of poring over my ‘baby book’, reading and reminding myself of my history. Looking back, I am certain that the book wielded an even greater subliminal but profound effect on me.


In the first few pages of my book there is a family tree, showing the names of my ancestors back to my great-grandparents, all of whom emigrated to the United States from European/Slavic countries.  In fact, my paternal grandmother was a mail-order bride, but that’s a story for another day….


Seeing my family tree and the ancestry depicted there, I know, without a doubt, that I am connected to my natural family who know and love me.  But even more significant than that, by my acceptance of Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I am now part of a spiritual, supernatural family whose lineage can be traced to Jesus himself, and you know what?  That story is all in ‘a book’ also.  The “Book of Books” –  the Bible!


“For ye are all the children of God – by faith in Jesus Christ” – (Gal. 3:26)


God has truly joined us together by faith in Christ Jesus.  How we thank God for our blood-bought “family portrait”!  We love you and are so very thankful for you!


Forever Grateful,

Ray, Lois & Cindy