March 2019 Partner Letter

Dear Partner,

Now may God who gives peace, and brought Jesus, our Lord, up again from among the dead …fully equip you with every grace that you may need for the doing of His will, producing in us that which will truly please Him through Jesus Christ.” (Heb 13:20-21)

What a great God we serve, and what a great time it is to serve Him!  It is a  critical hour, but we have the power of God within us to meet every challenge the enemy can bring.

I have been thinking recently of how Joshua and Caleb were not the only ones God called to enter into the Promised Land.  In fact, it was only when the entire nation of Israel could enter in together that they were able to fully possess God’s promise.  In the same way, we are joined together with you, our faithful ministry partners, all of us a dedicated ‘Band of Believers’ entering into all that God has given us.  This is our day!  Working together is what ministry is all about. 

Certain things are true of people who live by faith – they never lack for vision, and they never quit.  We have a vision and mission to strengthen the local Church around the world, and to reach the lost and hurting with the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  You have a big part in bringing that mission to pass.  We are walking together in obedience to God’s will, ever increasing in vision and resolve.  

All of us are called to get the job done. Your sacrificial, faithful and generous gifts and prayers are so powerful as we work together to see God’s purposes accomplished. Never forget that what you do is vitally important and helps make an eternal difference in other people’s lives.

You are answered prayer, dear friend and partner. – we love you and thank God for you!

In His Service,

Cindy, Lois and Ray