August Partner Letter 2017
Dear Partners,
“Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love …No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.” (Rom. 8:37)
The TV Tower is Berlin’s most prominent landmark and the tallest building in Germany. Constructed as a sign of technical superiority, it was built right in the middle of the city. Its steel sphere contains a visitor platform and a revolving restaurant. An extremely popular site for tourists and Berliners alike, it currently receives over 1 million visitors a year. The restaurant, designed with an outer ring of revolving tables, serves coffee, snacks and meals while revolving once around its axis every 60 minutes. On a bright day, this is the way to take in Berlin and surrounding Brandenburg from an eagle-eyed view.
However, since the day it was completed, authorities have been working to correct what they view as the tower’s one major flaw. You see, the tower was built during a time when the secular, socialist state had removed crucifixes and crosses from all churches – the mere presence of the cross was an affront to the secular ideology of that day, and continues to be so even now. So what is the Tower’s flaw? Every day, when the sunlight hits the tower’s sphere from a certain angle, the light reflects from the sphere in an unmistakable, dimensionally perfect cross. Engineers have sought a solution to this embarrassment, treating the glass sphere at the top with paints and chemicals, but in spite of their best efforts, the sign of the Cross still shines over the city of Berlin.
Although man thought it was possible to remove all signs of God’s love, the symbol of that love – the cross – could not be suppressed. What a wonderful truth that will never change!
Thank you so very much for joining with us as we continue to show the world the wonderful message of the Cross of Jesus Christ. It will never be overcome by evil – but it will overcome evil with God’s goodness and mercy! We love you!
Walking on the Victory side,
Cindy, Lois and Ray
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