October Partner Letter 2017
Dear Partners,
Think of it, friends… we are living today in the middle of answered prayer and the prophetic, inspired Word of God! Words spoken by God and declared by faith cause the power of God to restore, repair and revive!
In the fall of 2008, we were hosting a conference in Paris, France, with Pastor Kenneth and Lynette Hagin. Shekinah Glory was ministering one night, and Pastor Ken joined with us to pray for the people for a fresh anointing. This is part of what he began to say:
“This is that – that which they had on the day of Pentecost! This is that which was prophesied by the prophet Joel; in the last days I will pour out my spirit on all flesh. Your sons and daughters will prophesy and your old men will dream dreams – and I will add to that – and the power of God will fill all the earth! In 2003, I started preaching a message on God’s Greater Glory. God revealed to me that we are in the doorway of that great last revival – And now I say by the Spirit of God:
There will be counterfeit moves that will come….
But don’t be fooled by the counterfeit;
Stay true to the Anointing of God and you will know the true revival.
This revival shall happen and we are on the threshold…
What will be in that revival?
Everything that has ever been in every revival since the outpouring of Pentecost!”
Cindy then added: “You’ve got to preach Jesus! Preach the Word! Preach the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus! You don’t change people, you don’t heal them, but the Word will!
In His death, He destroyed everything that was wrong with you, but in His resurrection, He made everything right! You’ve got to move by faith – Faith in the works of God – Faith in the gifts of the Spirit… Revival is here! I see it! I see it!”
Thank you, thank you, dear friend and partner, for helping us to continue to give the world Jesus. He is the answer for every problem and challenge of life. We are energized by these words from John 9:4 (NLT):
“All of us must quickly carry out the tasks assigned us by the one who sent Jesus, because there is little time left before the night falls and all work comes to an end.”
Our redemption is drawing near… Come quickly, Lord Jesus!
In His Service,
Cindy, Lois and Ray
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