November Partner Letter 2017

Dear Partner,

…”Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death?  …No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.”  (Rom. 8:35-37 NLT)

During difficult times, we must remember that knowing Jesus means knowing victory belongs to us.  No matter the storm, we must continue to call on the Lord Jesus for His victorious answer to be seen during this hour.  Let me share a story that makes the point:

On June 18, 1815, the battle of Waterloo took place. The great English General Wellington commanded an army of British, Dutch, Belgian, and German soldiers to fight against Napoleon’s army. In those days, the armies had signalmen to send messages. These men were stationed throughout the area on the highest points so that the messages could be flashed from one area to the next and so on, until the message had been sent across an entire nation.

As the battle raged and Wellington’s troops surrounded Napoleon’s army, the message flashed across the area until it reached the ship in the harbor. From there the message flashed from ship to ship until it reached England’s shore. At the shore, the signalman climbed the highest point and began his message: “Wellington defeated . . .” and then the fog rolled in.

Soon the message that Wellington had been defeated was flashed from church steeple to church steeple and from castle to castle across England. The nation was plunged into mourning. Somewhat later when the fog lifted in the harbor, the signalman climbed the highest point again. This time he finished his message: “Wellington defeated the enemy.

Glory to God! This is our message of hope and victory in this final hour!  We are hungry and know Jesus is the answer for the world today. We are so very thankful for your generous help as we continue to proclaim and demonstrate the Gospel message of resurrection power Jesus has given to the triumphant church.  Just one moment in the presence of God changes everything!

We have the Victory!  That is the powerful message of the cross – an empty grave and a glorious resurrection victory! This means, thank God, every enemy we face has the same name  …DEFEATED!

Forever Triumphant,

Cindy, Lois and Ray