June Partner Letter 2017
Dear Partner,
For three days, the 12-year old boy had been on the street corner where his mother told him to wait. She never came back. The turning point came when a Christian man on his way to work stopped and ask him if he was okay. “I’m hungry and I don’t know where my mother is”, he replied. After giving him something to eat, he borrowed money so he could send the boy to church camp where he heard the story of Jesus for the first time. There he told Jesus “My mother doesn’t want me, but if you want me, here I am.” He never forgot the promise he made. He developed a heart of compassion for suffering children everywhere for he knew from his own experience that the emptiness and pain could only be filled by the love of Christ. This was the start of his walk with God – one that would change thousands of lives.
Through a ministry in one of Brooklyn’s roughest neighborhoods, known for its history of gang violence, crime, drugs, and poverty, a small church, started on a corner, has now grown into an international ministry reaching over 160,000 children every week around the world. There, they hear the Gospel and experience the love of Christ – just as a young Bill Wilson did as a 12-year old abandoned child through the caring, loving act of a Christian who couldn’t ignore him.
Pastor Bill Wilson has been beaten, stabbed and shot in the face. Despite everyone telling him this could not be done, through all the difficult times, he persevered and refused to leave the area or give up on the children growing up in such an environment. Even today, every Sunday, he drives one of the buses because, as he says, “When I pick up those kids, I’m picking up me and I don’t want to ever forget that”.
Years ago, I heard a story from a pastor who went to eat with Bill Wilson. He told of talking with him and asking, “How do you do it”? “Oh Pastor”, he answered, “You don’t need to know ‘how’ – you just need to know ‘why’. Because if you know ‘why’, you’ll figure out ‘how’. “
It is our job to answer the cry of a hurting, hopeless world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Why? Because in the last days, …”it shall come to pass, that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved”! (Acts 2:21)
Thank you for your partnership with Shekinah Glory. Through your prayers and offerings, truly “the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord shall fill all the earth”! We love you!!
‘Till He comes again,
Cindy, Lois & Ray
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